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Skills in a snapshot 


Strategic Foresight

Using tools and approaches of Strategic foresight to proactively analyze the future to inform decision-making, anticipate change, and achieve long-term success for organizations.


Mapping Complexities 

Creating a visual representation of complex systems, relationships, and patterns to gain a clearer understanding of the outcome and make informed decisions.


Innovation Strategy

Planning and outlining an organization's approach to identifying, developing, and implementing new ideas, technologies, and processes to drive growth and competitiveness.


Opportunity Discovery

Identifying and exploring new and untapped opportunities for growth and innovation, both within and outside of an organization. In turn leveraging and unlocking the strength of the organization


Ideation & Workshop Facilitation

Creating engaging and meaningful  interactions that encourage idea generation and productive decision-making through active participation and creative thinking.


Product Design

Understanding the user needs, behaviours, and emotions to deliver seamless and intuitive experiences. Delivering services and digital experiences that are  functional and delightful based on user's needs 

I am a multi-disciplinary designer and futurist based in Toronto. I help companies scout insightful futures for compelling opportunities and disruptions that improve their businesses.

This is photo of Vinit Soneji, Designer and Futurist based in Toronto
This photo represents revolution and changing world.

I believe

The world is constantly changing, and adapting to change is essential for success in today's society. Anticipating and preparing for these changes is where foresight becomes valuable. Foresight can help make sense of the changes by identifying potential opportunities and challenges, allowing organizations to shape their desired outcomes proactively.

Here's how my diverse skills and services can position your organization for success in the long term.

Latest Projects

This is an image of iris and data points combined together

Futures of Data Ownership: Informing Data Policies in Canadian Context

Strategic Foresight 

Cover photo for H&M project - Design and strategy

H&M Strategy: Towards Circularity

Innovation Strategy & Opportunity Discovery

An Image of Benji's platform.

Benji - Collaboration Simplified

Strategic Foresight & Innovation Strategy

An image showing the digital divide in north america

Futures of Digital Inclusion : Exploring Digital divide in Canada

Strategic Foresight 

A systems map of a climate action project

Waves of Change - Project Drawdown

Mapping Complexities  

Cover Image for delhi pollution project

Mapping Delhi Pollution

Mapping Complexities

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